I believe media should be free, and mp3 are alwyas fun to have ! You can search any youtube video and download a mp3 file.
This was a website where I used Firebase and React to create a simple site where users can answer a daily poll, and submit their own questions.
For my Planetary Simulations class I created a final project combining multiple simulation methods to create what I called 'Friendly Fish' ! Utilizing inverse kenematics, flocking algorithims, and perlin noise fields I was able to create a beautiful animation of fish. I used parts of that projects for this websites background as well.
After reading a paper on Physarum slime written by Jeff Jones I decided to make a moving Agent simulation drawing on characteristics as written in the paper. The Agents move fully autonomously, like Physarum, around their environment moving based on the trail of other Agents.
As man that looks at himself as a short king, I decided to see if short men go through stguggles that can be hilighted with data. I decided to otulize Python and basic data and ml pattersn to analyze over 3 men's heights and their thumb size. After layres of processing, I found shorter men have small thumbs leading to a hard time buying gloves. This saddens me, but also maeks my happy that code can find things. Yay.
Gheck out my saucy github !